Red Feather, “T” dances, flower-making, the grad room, student council, yearbooks, football games, basketball games, walking the halls, student cards, time-tables, projects, essays, homework and exams in the gym.


Each of these things (and many, many more!) are just reminders of our days at Tecumseh, but put them together and a flood of memories, a flood of sights, sounds, and emotions come to mind.

For each of us the memories are unique, and for each of us those memories had a unique impact, but what is the same for all of us is that our years at Tecumseh had a life-long effect.

We, the classes of 76, 77 & 78, are all in our mid to late fifties, but of the five decades we’ve been alive, our five years in high school shaped us more significantly than any years before it or any years after it. We went from barely being teenagers to being “legal age”, from riding bicycles to driving cars. We made friends and we lost friends. We experienced our first loves and, for many, our first heartbreaks. We worked hard, played hard, studied, graduated and then went on to become who we are today … who we are still becoming.

We can look back now and see this all so very clearly, but at the time it was all-consuming and it all moved so very fast.

Attending the reunion this July 22 & 23 is an opportunity for all of us to share that flood of memories with the only people we know who know exactly what we’re talking about.

After going to the 70’s reunion, five years ago, it was clear to me that my fellow Tecumseh classmates didn’t care one bit about who had had the most success, or who made the most money, or any of those types of things. All that mattered was that we were “Braves” and we were together again.

In fact, take any thought you may have that the reunion is about comparing lives, or “one-upping” each other and toss it right out!

Of course we talked about what we’ve all been doing since graduation, but there was more talk about our shared Tecumseh memories, about growing up in Chatham, about our families, and more pictures of our children and grandchildren being passed around than anything else. The room was filled with laughter and the dance floor filled with good old 70’s dance moves! You see, there are some things you just don’t grow out of.


Tickets are selling and the Friday evening event at JazzBah is popular so I encourage you, especially if you are coming from a distance, to buy your tickets now!

Clear your calendar, put the reunion on it – in pen – and click HERE for tickets and details. Suggestions for accommodations and “places to eat” in Chatham will be added soon, but don’t wait!

See you in July!78-13-JANINE-BELL

Janine (Bell) Buckles, Class of ’78


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