
Hello Everyone! This is Sue (Walkom) Eagleson writing to you today! As part of the organizing committee they gave me the assignment of writing a piece for the website & newsletter. First of all I did not like English, and did not do well, as the teachers from Tecumseh will attest. To get some ideas to write about, I face-timed with my brother Steve Walkom and sort of interviewed him about his time at Tecumseh. He had the time of his… Read more »


By now, many of you will have seen the newspaper article that appeared in the Chatham Daily News this week that features Sue (Walczak) Cummings and me discussing the upcoming reunion. For those who have not had a chance to see it, click here! In it, we talk about the difference between staying in touch through social media and actually having a chance to come together and sit, face to face and reconnect on a level that is much more gratifying than… Read more »