By the time you read this I will have attended our annual family reunion in Leamington. When we first started doing this, a dozen or more years ago, I would attend one year, skip another, attend the next two and so on. Honestly, my head wasn’t in it and it convinced my heart to follow.

Over the last several years I’ve started to understand the need to go. Our children are growing up, moving away from their home towns, having children of their own and the challenge to spend time together gets greater and greater with each passing year and each packed up moving van.

In fact, when asked what I want for my birthday, for Mother’s Day or for Christmas, my answer now is that I want my kids in my house, with me.

I know a high school reunion isn’t the same as family, but then again, maybe it is!

Your high school friends are pretty much the only people, other than your family who knew you during your teens. There was no way to connect back then other than in-person, so you spent a lot of time with your friends.

Technology allows us to contact almost anyone we want to, or at least check out their latest Facebook post, but contacting via social media or email and connecting face-to-face are two entirely different things.

The 2016 Tecumseh Reunion is an invitation to connect.

To perhaps sit beside that person you spent four or five years sitting beside in a classroom.

Candid 1975

To actually look them in the eyes and see their “17-year-old” self looking right back at you!


To answer the question “I wonder what ever happened to ___________?”


To share the rest of your story and to hear their story.


To be a Brave one more time.

The invitation is open. Join us!

Janine (Bell) Buckles, Class of ’78



4 thoughts on “Be a Brave … one more time.

  1. TecumsehReunion Post author

    I know that there are many who have indicated their intention to attend this reunion that keep saying, “Yes, I know – I will get my tickets soon.” Soon is HERE! We have less than one week before ticket sales close. We have to get our numbers to the caterer a week in advance, so don’t leave this any longer.

    Get your tickets today!!!


    1. TecumsehReunion Post author

      Glad to hear it – hope that means you will attend! We are looking forward to seeing you and the other teachers!!


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